

Marian Allen (Issue 10) is a member of Southern Indiana Writers Group. She has always lived in Kentucky, Indiana, and the inside of her own head. Her website is

Dawn Allison (Issue 36) is a student at ECU in North Carolina, where it never rains rocks, but sometimes cats and dogs. That’s how she got her cat.

Hobie Anthony (Issue 73) received his MFA in fiction from Queens University of Charlotte, NC. When he’s not writing he can be found at one of Portland’s disc golf courses.

Shannon Anthony’s (Issue 59) fiction has appeared in recent issues of BluePrintReview and Enchanted Conversation, among other publications. She is currently working on a novel. More information can be found at

Nick Antosca (Issue 5, Issue 31) was born in New Orleans, went to college in Connecticut, and lives in New York. His first novel, Fires, was published by Impetus Press.

Jenny Arnold (Issue 27) lives in Green Bay, WI, where she works in a bookstore. She has stories forthcoming in Versal and The Sheepshead Review.

David Backer (Issue 37) was in born 1984 in Danbury, Connecticut. He teaches Theory of Knowledge at the American School of Quito, Ecuador. You can read his novel, Peace in Uncertainty!, at

L.S. Bassen (Issue 65) won the 2009 Atlantic Pacific Press Drama Prize. Currently, three of her novels are serialized at Troubadour 21 and Fried Fiction. She also reads for Electric Literature.

Brian Beise (Issue 39) was born in Jackson, Mississippi and attends UT at Chattanooga, where he lives with his wife and cat.

Matt Bell (Issue 11) lives in Saginaw, Michigan. His writing has appeared in many publications, including Hobart, Barrelhouse, Smokelong Quarterly, and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. He can be found online at

Read Matt Bell’s story “Mario’s Three Lives” (Issue 11) in Barrelhouse Issue 4 and in the Best American Fantasy 2 print anthology.

Monica Bergers (Issue 88) is at work on a novel about love and murder in Dust Bowl Nebraska. S he divides her time between Omaha and Iowa City.

Karen Bernardo (Issue 26, Issue 106) is the director of the Coburn Free Library in Owego, NY. She loves creating a haven where literacy and creativity are valued.

Sarah Black (Issue 25, Issue 44) is a flash fiction writer and the publisher of Bannock Street Books, a micropress that publishes illustrated flash fiction and street art.

Venita Blackburn (Issue 57) teaches and writes in Arizona. Her work has appeared in numerous print and online publications. She is humbled by the staggering brilliance of the artistic community around her.

Valerie Borey (Issue 98) is a Minneapolis based writer, teacher, and playwright. Her fiction has appeared in publications such as Burning Wood, Diddle Dog, Heavy Glow, In Stereo Press, and Red Fez.

Linda Boroff (Issue 77) graduated from the University of California. Her short stories have appeared in Epoch, PRISM International, and others. Her short story “Lifters” is in development as a TV series.

Mel Bosworth (Issue 40) lives and breathes in Massachusetts. In addition to writing, he enjoys quiet time with Henry the cat. More of his work can be found at

Laura Bottomley (Issue 44) was born in 1985. She studies at Kingston University, London, on the creative writing MFA course. She has published poetry and fiction in the US and UK and is currently putting the finishing touches to her first novel. She lives in London.

Gerri Brightwell (Issue 68) is a British writer living in Fairbanks, Alaska with her husband and sons. She has two published novels: Cold Country and The Dark Lantern.

Gavin Broom (Issue 12, Issue 20, Issue 40, and Issue 87) lives and writes in Michigan. He’s been published over sixty times both online and in print. He edits fiction for The Waterhouse Review.

Chad Broughman (Issue 103) is a poet and short story author who teaches English and Creative Writing at the secondary and post-secondary levels. His fiction has appeared in Wild Violet, Burningwood, and Cafe Aphra, as well, he earned Honorable Mention in the New Millennium Short-Short Fiction competition – he lives in northern Michigan and will begin his MFA at Spalding University in fall 2014.

Brian Brown (Issue 22, Issue 32) lives in Los Angeles with his dog, Three Hole Punch.

John Bruce’s (Issue 59) writing has appeared in numerous literary zines, and he’s received a Pushcart nomination. He has degrees in English from Dartmouth College and USC and lives in Los Angeles.

Mark Budman (Issue 2, Issue 8, Issue 64) was born and raised in the former Soviet Union, but now resides in New York State. His fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry have appeared or about to appear in Mississippi Review, Virginia Quarterly, Exquisite Corpse, Iowa Review, McSweeney’s, Turnrow, Connecticut Review, The Bloomsbury Review, the anthology Flash Fiction Forward (WW Norton), and elsewhere. He is the publisher of a flash fiction magazine Vestal Review, and the recipient of the Broome Country Art Council grant.

Read Mark Budman’s story “Twelve Steps Down” (Issue 2) online at Smokelong Quarterly.

Read Mark Budman’s story “The Diary of a Salaryman” (Issue 8) in the flash-fiction anthology You Have Time for This.

Susan Buttenwieser’s (Issue 52) fiction has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and appeared in Failbetter, 3:AM and other publications. She teaches writing in organizations for at-risk populations including incarcerated women and youth.

Robin Caine (Issue 9) lived in Manhattan for the past 6 years. This fall she began to pursue her MFA at USC. She is currently working on a novel titled Little City.

Robin Caine’s story “Father and Son” (Issue 9) was published online at Opium Magazine.

Liam Callanan (Issue 91) is the author of The Cloud Atlas and All Saints, both from Dial. For more about his fiction, nonfiction, and a children’s lit guide to Paris, visit

Carol Carpenter’s (Issue 9) stories and poems have appeared in Margie, Cape Rock, Stickman Review, Yankee, America, The Pedestal Magazine, Barnwood, Indiana Review, Quarterly West, Carolina Quarterly and various anthologies. She received the Richard Eberhart Prize for Poetry.

Vincent Louis Carrella’s (Issue 5, Issue 13, Issue 21, Issue 24, Issue 34, Issue 46, Issue 85, Issue 108) debut novel, Serpent Box, chronicles the short life of a young boy on a quest for God, meaning and the secret mysteries of faith. For more info visit Carrella lives in a state of perpetual wonder in the state of perpetual dreams – California.

Ebi Causey (Issue 100) is from Baltimore, Maryland. She’ll be attending Bennington College in the fall of 2014, and posts writing, art, and music at

Adam Warren Cheshire (Issue 65) is a writer living in Hillsborough, NC.

Douglas Cole (Issue 67) was born in Seattle, raised in Berkeley, and currently resides in Alki, West Seattle. Recently published in Underground Poetry, Cortland Review, and Tattoo Highway, Douglas also won the Leslie Hunt Memorial Prize in Poetry.

Terry Collett ( Issue 18, Issue 30) is a 60-year-old poet who has been writing since 1972. He has had two slim volumes of poems published, in 1974 and 1978. Since that time he has had poems and short stories printed in anthologies, magazines and newspapers. He is married with eight children and eight grandchildren.

Tom Conoboy (Issue 15) has won competitions at JBWB and Seventh Quark. His work has appeared in about sixty ezines and journals, including Word Riot, Transmission, Reflection’s Edge, Altar, Eclectica, and The Harrow. He writes with Alex Keegan’s Boot Camp.

David Copper (Issue 47) is a Minnesotan who writes crime fiction and plays the mandolin. The blog for his upcoming novel Uppercut Avenue can be found at

Dianne Cormier (Issue 1) is in the process of moving and is considering embracing Buddhism and selling all worldly possessions. She covets non-material things like cake batter ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery.

Dawn Corrigan (Issue 22, Issue 52) has published poetry and fiction in a number of print and online journals. She’s an associate editor at Girls with Insurance and an original member of the writing collective The Nervous Breakdown. You can listen to her original 1968 commentary on the moon landing here. She lives in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

Andrew Cothren’s (Issue 102) work has appeared in Route Nine, Drunken Boat, and Eleven Eleven, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Currently, he is an MFA candidate and writing instructor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Ashley Cowger’s (Issue 56, Issue 81, Issue 97) short story collection Peter Never Came,which includes “Shades of Blue,” was awarded first prize in Autumn House Press’s 2010 Fiction Contest. Learn more at

Read Ashley Cowger’s story “Shades of Blue” (Issue 56) in her short story collection Peter Never Came.

Ruby Cowling (Issue 93) lives in London, UK, and was born in West Yorkshire. Whatever year it is, it’s safe to say she is writing a short story collection and a novel. Find out more at

Robert Dana’s (Issue 28, Issue 49) works include ten books of poetry, most recently The Morning of the Red Admirals (Anhinga Press, 2004) and Summer (Anhinga Press, 2000). He also edited the prose books A Community of Writers: Paul Engle and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop (University of Iowa Press, 1999) and Against the Grain: Interviews with Maverick American Publishers (University of Iowa Press, 1986 & 2009). Dana graduated in 1954 from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop where he studied with Robert Lowell and John Berryman. He served as Distinguished Visiting Writer at universities in the US and abroad; and after 40 years of teaching at Cornell College he retired in 1994 as Professor of English and Poet-in-Residence. His work was awarded National Endowment fellowships in 1985 and 1993, the Delmore Schwartz Memorial Poetry Award in 1989, and a Pushcart Prize in 1996. He was the Poet Laureate of Iowa from 2004 to 2008. Dana’s last two books will be issued in April 2010: New & Selected Poems 1955 to 2010 (Anhinga Press) and a book of essays, Paris on the Flats: Versions of a Literary Life (University of Tampa).

Read Robert Dana’s poem “Elegy for a Hometown” (Issue 28) in the Spring 2008 issue of The Iowa Review.

Alexander Danner (Issue 70, Issue 101) contributed to the science fiction anthologies Machine of Death and The Girls at the End of the World. He also writes comics, including the graphic novel Gingerbread Houses (illustrated by Edward J Grug III) and the formalist series Two for No (illustrated by Tymothi Godek). He teaches online courses in writing comics at Emerson College, and his second textbook about comics “Comics: A Global History, 1968 – Present” is available from Thames & Hudson.

Emily Darrell’s (Issue 64) fiction, poetry, and essays can be found in such publications as Smokelong Quarterly, Pank, and The Millions. She can be contacted at

Laurence Davies (Issue 50, Issue 73) lives in Scotland, where he writes, hunts mushrooms, cooks, edits Joseph Conrad’s letters, and fondly remembers his days in New England and New York. He’s also done a spot of acting.

Tim Dicks’s (Issue 71) writing appeared most recently in vis a tergo and is forthcoming in Uncanny Valley Magazine. He blogs at, and lives in Minneapolis.

Cory Doctorow (Issue 61) is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger — the co-editor of, and the author of the bestselling novel Little Brother. For more information about his experiment in print-on-demand publishing, or to buy or download a copy of his short-story collection With A Little Help, visit his website,

Adrian Dorris (Issue 75, Issue 97) lives in Ashland, Oregon. His work has appeared in Blackbird, Burnt Bridge, The Portland Review, Pindeldyboz, and other journals.

Merle Drown (Issue 32, Issue 69) is the author of two novels, Plowing Up A Snake and The Suburbs Of Heaven. He has received fellowships from the NEA and the New Hampshire Arts Council and teaches in Southern New Hampshire University’s MFA program.

Andrew Dugas’s (Issue 27) writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Loafer’s Magazine, edifice WRECKED, Unlikely Stories, Oysters & Chocolate, Bear Creek Haiku, Minotaur, Misnomer, and Poems Niederngasse, among others.

Dave Early (Issue 70) is seldom smarter than the average bear.

Aron Efimenko (Issue 55) received his MFA in fiction from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and teaches English in Central New York at Morrisville State College. He has recently been published in the online magazines theDF_underground and Zenith.

Zein El-Amine’s (Issue 37) poems have appeared in GYST, Penumbra, DC Poets Against the War anthology, and Joybringer. His short story “Adventures of A Skinny Foreigner” was published in Uno Mas magazine.

Elizabeth Ellen (Issue 2, Issue 31) is editor of Hobart’s Short Flight/Long Drive mini-book division. Her writing has been published in Spork, Pindeldyboz, Maisonneuve, The Insomniac Reader (Manic D Press) and elsewhere. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Lauren Eller (Issue 100) is a Quaker, a mandolinist, and a cat enthusiast, but above all else she is writer. She will be attending Kenyon College in the fall of 2014.

Anthony Evans (Issue 13) is a British-born filmmaker and writer living in Denmark.

Zdravka Evtimova (Issue 63) was born in Bulgaria, where she works as a literary translator from English, German, and French. Her most recent short story collection is titled Pale and Other Postmodern Bulgarian Stories.

Joe Farley (Issue 94) is a writer and stand-up comedian from Indiana. He stands 6′ 2″ while weighing in at 220 pounds. You can find him posting frequently at

Aaron Fox-Lerner (Issue 89) was born in Los Angeles and currently lives in Beijing. He writes things, mostly short prose.

Joyce Finn (Issue 8) is a freelance writer who has lived in Australia, S. Africa, and Bermuda. Her short stories and travel articles have been published internationally and one play was staged in Bermuda.

Kathy Fish’s (Issue 11), (Issue 33) stories have appeared in Night Train, Quick Fiction, Smokelong Quarterly, FRiGG, Spork, Denver Quarterly and elsewhere. She loves her four children very much.

Read Kathy Fish’s story “Delivery” (Issue 11) in A Peculiar State of Restlessness: Four Chapbooks of Short Short Fiction by Four Women.

Natasha Fish (Issue 83) has had work appear in numerous literary magazines.

Clarice Flagel (Issue 19) was a writer and public speaker who lived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She died in 2004, but not before she published many of her writings.

Jane Flett (Issue 77) is a seamstress of most fetching stories. Listen to her fiction on BBC Radio 4 or buy her poetry book from dancing girl press. Or come to

Marcela Fuentes (Issue 97) is a recent graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her fiction has been published in the Indiana Review, the Vestal Review, Blackbird, and various other literary journals. Recent work has been selected for inclusion in Best of the Web 2009 and New Stories from the Southwest. She is at work on her first novel.

Richard Fulco (Issue 82) is the founder and editor of the online music magazine Wampus Multimedia will publish his first novel, There is No End to This Slope in fall 2013.

Clifford Garstang (Issue 25) left the practice of international law to write fiction. His work has appeared in numerous literary journals, including Shenandoah, The Ledge, Baltimore Review, GSU Review and elsewhere.

Richard Gess (Issue 78) is a writer, musician, and visual artist from Atlanta. He has an MFA from UNC-Greensboro, and was most recently published in Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet 25.

Collin Blair Grabarek (Issue 69) writes in Virginia. He received his MFA from George Mason University, where he was the fiction editor of Phoebe: A Journal of Literature and Art.

Shane Graber (Issue 86), a born-and-raised Texan, lives and teaches English in Chicago. His short stories, which focus on earnest people almost succeeding, have appeared online and in print.

Amelia Gray (Issue 10, Issue 31), an Arizona native, currently resides in San Marcos, Texas. Her stories have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Spork, Swivel and Barbaric Yawp.

Read Amelia Gray’s story “Love, Mortar” (Issue 10) in her short-story collection Museum of the Weird.

Camille Griep (Issue 84) lives and writes near Seattle, Washington. You can find more of her work at

Lilly Gray (Issue 41) is a student at Hollins University. She believes radio dramas should be revived and hopes to find employment writing for comic books.

KJ Hannah Greenberg (Issue 97) has been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize and once for the Best of the Net. Her most recent books include: The Immediacy of Emotional Kerfuffles (Bards and Sages Publishing, 2013), Citrus-Inspired Ceramics (Aldrich Press, 2013), Intelligence’s Vast Bonfires (Lazarus Media, 2012), Supernal Factors (The Camel Saloon Books on Blog, 2012), Fluid & Crystallized (Fowlpox Press, 2012), Don’t Pet the Sweaty Things (Bards and Sages Publishing, 2012), A Bank Robber’s Bad Luck with His Ex-Girlfriend (Unbound CONTENT, 2011), and Oblivious to the Obvious: Wishfully Mindful Parenting (French Creek Press, 2010).

Steven Gullion’s (Issue 2) other fiction has appeared in Night Train, In Posse, Smokelong Quarterly, The Adirondack Review, Opium Magazine, and others, and is forthcoming in The Barcelona Review and StoryGlossia.

Justyn Harkin (Issue 60, Issue 97) lives with his wife and daughter in Chicago, Illinois. He is associate editor of Fiction at Work, and his stories have appeared in Word Riot, Thieves Jargon, The Angler, and Annalemma. His website is

Charles Holdefer (Issue 79) Charles Holdefer’s most recent novel is Back in the Game. New short fiction is forthcoming in Slice, The Los Angeles Review, and Gargoyle.

Steve Howard (Issue 36) lives in Japan and teaches English. He has published short stories, poetry, and creative non-fiction. He is trying to publish his first novel and finish writing his second.

Meng Jin (Issue 96) was born in Shanghai and lives in Brooklyn. Read “Ratios and Differences” at Drunk Monkeys. She is currently pursuing her MFA in fiction writing at Hunter College in New York.

Audrey Kalman (Issue 105) has been a passionate storyteller and avid listener for more than 35 years. Her novel, “Dance of Souls,” was published in 2011; her short fiction has appeared in literary journals. Visit her at

Charles Kaufmann (Issue 4) plays historic replica bassoons in various orchestras. His work has also appeared online in the Salt River Review.

Thomas Kearnes (Issue 11, Issue 35, Issue 53, Issue 101) is a 37 year old author living in Houston. His fiction has appeared in PANK, Storyglossia, Sundog Lit, Word Riot, Digital Americana Magazine, SmokeLong Quarterly, and numerous other venues. His two short-story collections, “Pretend I’m Not Here” (Musa Publishing) and “Promiscuous” (JMS Books) are available for purchase. He is studying to become a licensed chemical dependency counselor. He throws like a girl.

Kevin P. Keating ( Issue 18) has never prepared carrots nor has he attended culinary school but he does teach English at Baldwin-Wallace College near Cleveland, Ohio. His essays and fiction have been published in Fringe, Smokebox, Exquisite Corpse, Whiskey Island, Fiction Warehouse, Double Dare Press, The Oklahoma Review, The Spillway Review and many others.

Floridian Belea T. Keeney’s (Issue 17) stories have appeared in Florida Horror: Dark Tales from the Sunshine State, WordKnot, Best Gay Romance, Men of Mystery, Clean Sheets and other venues.

Meghan Kenny’s (Issue 33) stories have appeared in journals such as The Iowa Review, The Gettysburg Review and Cimarron Review. She was the 2008-2009 Tickner Writing Fellow in Baltimore, Maryland.

Cheryl Diane Kidder’s (Issue 86) work has appeared in several literary magazines, a couple of anthologies and she’s been nominated for a Pushcart Prize twice. For a full listing see: Crash was named the winner of The Watercress Review’s first annual Flash Fiction competition in January, 2013. Read the story online at

Ross Kimble (Issue 23) lives in Saskatoon, Canada, with his beautiful wife and adorable 1-year old son. Though he gave up most toys years ago, he’ll be playing with words forever.

Christine Boyka Kluge’s (Issue 2) first book of poetry, Teaching Bones to Fly, was published by Bitter Oleander Press. In 2007, Bitter Oleander Press will release a second book, Stirring the Mirror, a collection of prose poetry and flash fiction. Her chapbook, Domestic Weather, won the 2003 Uccelli Press Chapbook Contest. She is also a visual artist.

Read Christine Boyka Kluge’s story “Yellow Chicken Claw” (Issue 2) in her book Stirring the Mirror.

Andrea Kneeland (Issue 56) is the author of The Birds and the Beasts (2011, Cow Heavy Press). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in places like Barrelhouse, American Letters & Commentary, Caketrain, PANK, Quick Fiction, Corium, and Weird Tales. She is a web editor for Hobart.

Jen Knox (Issue 90) teaches and writes in San Antonio, Texas. She is currently writing a novel entitled We Arrive Uninvited. Links to her work and updates are at

Andrew Kozma’s (Issue 84, Issue 92) stories have appeared in Digital Americana, Stupefying Stories, and DIAGRAM. His book of poems, City of Regret (Zone 3 Press, 2007), won the Zone 3 First Book Award.

Laurie Knox (Issue 64) grew up in Kent, England and studied Economics at Southampton University. She’s currently teaching English to Kindergarteners in Seoul, South Korea, and started writing fiction at the beginning of 2011.

Len Kruger’s (Issue 24, Issue 72) short stories have appeared in a number of publications, including Zoetrope All-Story, The Barcelona Review, and forthcoming in Gargoyle. He lives in Washington, DC.

Julia LaSalle’s (Issue 16) work has appeared in The Mississippi Review and Storyglossia and is forthcoming in Drunken Boat.

Ben Leib (Issue 95) spent twelve years as a waiter, a student (both undergraduate and graduate), and an alcoholic intravenous drug user, and each of these stations brought him an equal amount of torment. He now happily works at sea five weeks out of every ten. You can check out his publication history at

As a kid, Matt Leibel (Issue 41) dreamed of a career in lion taming. He now considers writing fiction excitement enough. His recent work appears in Quarterly West, Opium, and DIAGRAM.

Stephanie Lenz (Issue 50) writes fiction in western Pennsylvania amid chaos caused by a husband, a daughter, a son, a cat, and a dog–all named after fictional characters–and co-edits the literary journal Toasted Cheese.

Tao Lin (Issue 3) is the author of YOU ARE A LITTLE BIT HAPPIER THAN I AM (October 2006, Action Books) and BED (Spring 2007, Melville House). His web site is Reader of Depressing Books.

PDR Lindsay (Issue 39, Issue 71) has survived earthquake, severe aftershocks, floods and more unemployment this year. It’s not been fun but she’s still writing. It’s what kept her sane!

Paulette Livers (Issue 47) was born in Kentucky and has lived around the south and western US. Her short fiction has appeared in Frequency, Palimpsest, and at She is completing an MFA and teaches writing at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Paulette has participated in a few daredevil sports, but bungy-jumping is not one of them. She splits her time between Boulder and Chicago.

Tricia Louvar (Issue 48) is a writer, who brakes for furry creatures and the perfect light. For more of her work, please visit

Angela Lovell (Issue 38) is a writer/director in Brooklyn whose non-fiction has been published all over the world. She’s currently hiding her shame behind the untrue. Read more of her at:

Beverly C. Lucey (Issue 9), Issue 31) has been widely published in anthologies, literary magazines in the US and the UK, and on the Web. Her website is — a home for wayward words.

Rupan Malakin (Issue 66) is a short writer of tall stories who spends his spare time cowering from the rainy northern England skies.

Tania Malik (Issue 58) grew up in India, Africa and the Middle East, and currently lives in Northern California. She has just finished her first novel The Last Bargain.

Tracie McBride (Issue 10) is a mother of three from New Zealand. Her work has appeared in various e-zines, including Alien Skin, Flash Me and Spoiled Ink.

Eric McKinley (Issue 69) is a Philadelphian. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from Rosemont College. He specializes in hip hop literary fiction. Samplings of his work can be found at

Tyler McMahon’s (Issue 26) work has appeared in Three Penny Review, Passages North, The Surfer’s Journal, Barrelhouse, and elsewhere. His collection of surfing stories, Missing the Point, needs a publisher.

Michael K. Meyers (Issue 54, Issue 70, Issue 102) teaches in the graduate writing program of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His work has appeared in Quick Fiction, Nano, Fringe, Mad Hatters’ Review, Ninth Letter, Chicago Noir, The New Yorker, Fiction, and Chelsea. Museums worldwide have presented his performance art.

Mary Miller (Issue 57) is the author of Big World, a short story collection, and Less Shiny, a chapbook of flash fiction.

Douglas W. Milliken’s (Issue 87, Issue 96) is the author of the codex White Horses (Nada, 2010) and the forthcoming letterpress edition Arena (Clark Ave. Ink, 2014). Other work also appears in McSweeney’s, the Believer, and Slice. His web site is

Sebastian Morgan-Lynch (Issue 88) lives in Wellington, New Zealand. He also plays cello and composes music for theatre. This is his first published story.

Mika Nadolsky (Issue 104) currently resides in Dallas, Texas by way of Denver, Colorado. He has published one novel previously, “It Rises and will be Gone”.

Stefani Nellen (Issue 14) is a German psychologist-turned-writer who lives in Pittsburgh and Groningen with her husband. Her short fiction has appeared in Lablit: The Culture of Science in Fiction and Fact and VerbSap.

Shayn Nicely (Issue 17) is young, hot, and mostly broke. She’s published poetry and runs the web-comic Bitchface, hoping to live in someone’s attic for no rent and achieve posthumous fame.

Dennis Norris II (Issue 106) is a graduate of Haverford College and holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. He has won several awards and fellowships for his short fiction from the Vermont Studio Center, the Hurston/Wright Foundation, and the NYS Summer Writers Institute. He lives in Brooklyn, where he is at work on a novel. This is his first publication.

Tim O’Brien (Issue 1) is not that Tim O’Brien but rather this one. He is a writer living with his wife and two boys in the Chicago area. He one day hopes to ride in a sidecar.

Susan O’Neill (Issue 12) wrote Don’t Mean Nothing (Ballantine; UMass Press), short stories set in Viet Nam combat hospitals. She’s shopping a novel, and her blog essays are linked to Her story was recorded and edited by the brilliant Kramer O’Neill, who does such things for a living.

Jef Otte‘s (Issue 105) work has previously appeared in places like SmokeLong Quarterly, decomP Magazine, and the Village Voice. He’s pursuing an MFA at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo.

Matthew Petti (Issue 4) teaches Creative Writing and Literature at the University of the District of Columbia. Short stories of his have appeared in Puerto Del Sol, RE:AL, Salt Hill, Thema, Stray Dog, and other magazines.

Julia Phillips’ (Issue 53) work has been published in Drunken Boat and selected for Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers competition. She currently attends Barnard College.

Jeff Pierce (Issue 8) lives in Chicago. A friend once commented that he is a master of few words; that is yet to be determined, let alone understood. In addition to literary musings, Jeff is a systems integration consultant and a solo acoustic musician. He is allergic to cats and afraid of snakes. Zen is a way of life for Jeff, as well as import beer.

Matt Plass (Issue 29) lives in Brighton, England. He is a member of Alex Keegan’s Boot Camp for writers.

Meg Pokrass (Issue 59) writes flash fiction. Her collection Damn Sure Right from Press 53 will be out in February 2011. She writes, teaches, and animates in San Francisco:

Harry Posner (Issue 98) has authored two novels and several books of poetry. Marcy Cunningham is excerpted from his in-progress collection of flash fiction entitled AND MAYBE YOU FLOAT AWAY.

Sarah Prevatt (Issue 76) received an MFA from the University of Central Florida. Her work has appeared in several literary journals, including The Chaffin Journal, Vestal Review, and Hawai’i Pacific Review.

Erika D. Price (Issue 103) is a writer and social psychologist in Chicago. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and her novel, Corpus Callosum, is available for free in all ebook stores.

Charles Rafferty’s (Issue 74) poems have appeared in The New Yorker and The Southern Review. Stories appear in Sonora Review and Staccato. Currently, he directs the MFA program at Albertus Magnus College.

Cat Rambo (Issue 81) lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest. Her third story collection, Near + Far, appeared in September 2012 from Hydra House Books. Find her web site at

David Rawson’s (Issue 79) work has appeared or is forthcoming in Monkeybicycle, Spork Press, Prick of the Spindle, and others.

Scott Rayow (Issue 9) (SAG, AFTRA) has made his career in commercial voiceovers, and loves selling excellent products and/or services to intelligent consumers… according to his agents at DBA.

Eric Rehm (Issue 63) graduated from Umass Amherst with a BA in Theater and English. He lives in Boston, where he works odd jobs to support his writing habit, sometimes doing musicals or karaoke. His blog of fictions and doodles is at

Brian Reynolds (Issue 15), a retired elementary school teacher, lives and writes in southwestern Ontario. His stories have appeared in FRiGG, The Hiss Quarterly, The New Quarterly, LICHEN, Event, and other journals. One of his stories was nominated for The Journey Prize.

Kellelynne H. Riley (Issue 89) lives and writes in Portland, Oregon. Her work has appears in journals including Flashquake, Poetry Quarterly, and Plasma Frequency. She can be found at

Nick Ripatrazone (Issue 78) is the author of two books of poetry, Oblations and This is Not About Birds; other writing has appeared in Esquire, The Kenyon Review, Iowa Review, and Shenandoah.

Laura Roberts (Issue 51) is the editor-in-chief of Black Heart Magazine and columnist behind’s “V for Vixen.” She is currently working on her first book, a sexy guide to Montreal.

Dave Robinson (Issue 1, Issue 7) is taking a sabbatical from teaching high school to be a stay-at-home dad. He is from Massachusetts.

Ethel Rohan (Issue 42) writes. She used to sound more Irish. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from elimae; PANK; Ghoti; DecomP; DOGZPLOT; Storyglossia; mud luscious; Word Riot, and more.

Read Ethel Rohan’s story “Cracking Open” (Issue 42) in her book Cut Through the Bone.

Rolli (Issue 42) writes – for adults (Quarterly West, CBC Radio) and children (Spider, Ladybug). Visit his blog:

Mindela Ruby (Issue 62) is a former punk rock deejay and current community college professor. Some of her recent fiction has appeared in The Binnacle, Emprise Review, and Literary Mama.

Phyllis Rudin’s (Issue 90) fiction has appeared in Canadian and American literary magazines. Her short story Candlepower won This Magazine’s Great Canadian Literary Hunt 2010. Her debut novel will be published by Inanna Publications in 2014. She lives in Montreal.

Anna Saikin (Issue 99) lives and writes in Houston, TX. Her reviews have appeared in Pleiades, Concho River Review, The Byron Journal, and elsewhere. She blogs at

Robert Sachs (Issue 72) received his MFA in writing from Spalding University and has had stories published in such magazines as Mobius, The Front Porch Review, The Writing Disorder and Red Fez.

Shya Scanlon’s (Issue 45) fiction and poetry have appeared in the Mississippi Review, Literary Review, New York Quarterly, Caketrain, Opium Magazine, and elsewhere. His novel Forecast is being serialized semiweekly across 42 web sites. For a full list of participants and links to live chapters, please visit

Shya Scanlon’s novel Forecast (excerpted in Issue 45) was published by Flatmancrooked.

Ruth Schiffmann (Issue 46) is a freelance writer who is learning to listen to her heart in matters of writing. To see where it leads her visit

Jason Shults’s (Issue 91) work has appeared recently in Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, Jersey Devil Press, and SmokeLong Quarterly. His virtual self can be found at

James A.W. Shaw (Issue 35) has published stories in the North Atlantic Review, on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Pindeldyboz, flashquake and elsewhere.

Tomi Shaw (Issue 8, Issue 31) lives in Kentucky, amid the clutter of her writing, family and mutt dog. Her work has appeared in over fifty publications, including Identity Theory, storySouth, Pindeldyboz, Mad Hatter’s Review, the Harrow and Southern Gothic.

Roman Skaskiw (Issue 75) is a six-year Army veteran with tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. His war writing has appeared in The Atlantic, on the New York Times’ Homefires blog, the Mises Institute website, on, and elsewhere.

Claudia Smith’s (Issue 21) work has been anthologized in Norton’s The New Sudden Fiction: Short-Shorts From America and Beyond and So New Media’s Consumed: Women on Excess. Her collection The Sky Is A Well And Other Shorts is available from Rose Metal Press.

Freda Love Smith (Issue 60) is a drummer, writer, and teacher in Chicago. Her work has appeared in Leaf Press, The Yellow Room Magazine, Riptide Journal, and Critical Survey.

Simon A. Smith (Issue 48, Issue 66) writes and teaches English in Chicago, where he lives with his wife and a murderous orange tabby named Cheever. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Hobart, Quick Fiction, Monkeybicycle, Whiskey Island, PANK, Bound Off, Prick of the Spindle and a few others. He likes it here.

Karen Sosnoski (Issue 58) is a writer, mother, and occasional (moderate) jogger living in Arlington, VA. Others of her audio stories have played on Word Riot, This American Life, and Studio 360.

John Stadler (Issue 29) currently teaches a fiction workshop at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He likes orbs, hates his cat, and is writing a collection of short stories.

Mary Helen Stefaniak (Issue 95) is author of the award-winning novel The Cailiffs of Baghdad, Georgia. Her work has been translated into several languages. Her monthly column can be found online at

Katherine D. Stutzman’s (Issue 93) fiction has appeared in The Summerset Review, jmww, and Bartleby Snopes, among other publications. She lives, writes, and teaches in Philadelphia.

Matthew Summers-Sparks (Issue 6) lives in Washington, DC. His stories have appeared in The New York Times, The Mississippi Review, and McSweeney’s.

Mark Sutz (Issue 67) lives in Arizona. He has published more than a dozen short stories in a variety of journals and contributes regularly to the online culture magazine, The Nervous Breakdown. His website is

Nicole Taylor (Issue 68) is a student and writer. Sometimes she lives in Michigan and sometimes she lives in Belgium. Her fiction has been published, or is upcoming, in Brain Harvest Magazine and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. She is a 2009 graduate of the Clarion Writer’s Workshop.

Craig Terlson’s (Issue 5, Issue 12, Issue 23, Issue 31, Issue 51) fiction has appeared in Bound Off, Carve, Hobart, Smokelong Quarterly and other literary journals. He shouts about fiction at He is currently working on his second novel.

Bob Thurber (Issue 14, Issue 74, Issue 83, Issue 94, Issue 104)

is the author of “Paperboy: A Dysfunctional Novel” and the recipient of numerous awards and citation for short fiction including the Barry Hannah Fiction prize. Over the years he’s been called a “master of micro fiction” and “The Sam Peckinpah of flash fiction.”. Most recently he was selected as one of the top ten finalists for Esquire Magazine’s 2012 short short fiction award. He resides in Massachusetts. For more info, visit:

Kristen Hamelin Tracey (Issue 76) lives in New York City and works in education. Her fiction can be found in recent or upcoming issues of The Foundling Review and The Raleigh Review.

Nathan Versaw (Issue 6) was born, raised, and cultivated in the Mormon mecca of the world, Salt Lake City, Utah. He is not Mormon. His stories and poems have appeared in BIGnews, Outsider Ink, Thunder Sandwich, InkPot, and Unlikely Stories.

Pat Tompkins (Issue 55) is an editor in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her stories have appeared in the Bellevue Literary Review, flashquake, and Mslexia.

Deepak Unnikrishnan (Issue 80), the author of Coffee Stains in a Camel’s Teacup, is a short story writer from Abu Dhabi. He is presently working on a short story collection at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Kendall Walker (Issue 21) lives in self-imposed exile in Berlin, Germany and upstate New York.

Christopher Wallace (Issue 3) is a writer, designer, and student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Currently he is writing a bio for Bound Off.

Caleb Andrew Ward (Issue 92) is an undergrad at UNC-Wilmington studying Creative Writing and Film with a minor in English. ‘Bevel’ is a short chapter from his forthcoming novel. He considers being a part of Bound Off both an honor and a privilege.

Andrew Thomas Weems (Issue 54) hails from the southernmost foothills of Appalachia. He is a freelance journalist and studio harmonica player. In his spare time he writes short stories, screenplays, and songs.

Nathan Weinstein (Issue 57) is a 24-year-old resident of Southern Westchester and a recent graduate of Binghamton University.

Jeremy Wexler (Issue 20) is a Montreal writer. Jeremy edits the CD-format magazine NO DAMN GOOD Art, Music and Tomfoolery from NDG.

Jensen Whelan’s (Issue 13) work has appeared online and in print in Hobart, Bullfight Review, Quick Fiction, elimae, Opium and many others. He is also one of the web editors at Hobart. He lives in Stockholm with his wife and son where he is at work on a collection of stories. His website:

Duncan Whitmire (Issue 82) lives in South Portland, Maine, where he works for the local library. Find more stories at

Maureen Wilkinson (Issue 16, Issue 30) lives in the United Kingdom. She has been told she has a warped sense of humour. It is when walking her German shepherd her mind travels its own strange paths.

Luke Emile Williams (Issue 80) has no significant writing credentials to speak of (yet).

He dropped out of the University of Tennessee to write full-time.

Still resides in Knoxville.

Naomi Williams’ (Issue 62) short fiction has appeared in journals such as One Story, A Public Space, Southern Review, and American Short Fiction. She’s won a Pushcart Prize and an Honorable Mention in Best American Short Stories. She lives with her family in Davis, California.

Brenda C. Wilson (Issue 3, Issue 31) is an unpublished novelist. Her short stories have appeared in The Maryland Review, Pride Magazine, and Chicken Bones On-line Literary Journal. She has been a finalist in both Ebony Magazine’s Gertrude Johnson Williams Literary Contest and the Reynolds Price Short Fiction Contest.

Vicki L. Wilson (Issue 6) is a fiction writer, poet, and playwright whose work has appeared in journals including The Oregon Literary Review and Salvage. She lives in upstate New York.

Susi Wyss’s (Issue 11) fiction is forthcoming in The Connecticut Review and Writers in the Attic. She holds an MA in Fiction Writing from Johns Hopkins University and is working on a novel.

Jenny Xie (Issue 99) is a California native living in Baltimore, MD, where she is an MFA candidate at Johns Hopkins University. Her work has appeared in Literary Laundry, The Monarch Review, and Riddle Fence, among other publications.

Todd Zuniga (Issue 4) is the founding editor of Opium Magazine (.com and .print). A 2005 Pushcart Prize nominee, his work has appeared in Sweet Fancy Moses, Small Spiral Notebook, online at McSweeney’s and elimae, and is forthcoming in Monkeybicycle. Contact him at